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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Get me to Cali

As a girl who was born and raised in Ohio, I have the typical dream of moving to California. For years I have dreamt of the sun, the sand and the liberal environment of the west coast- not to mention the style! But everyday, that dream seems just a little harder to get to. Not only are the unemployment rates in California higher than anywhere else in the country, the cost of living is too.
Having just graduated from undergrad, I thought that the most logical way to ease myself into the west coast would be to start graduate studies somewhere. I took the LSATS with the intention of going to law school in Cali. Unfortunately, the economy rears it's ugly head yet again by offering no financial aid to students in the state of California. So I thought of attending a career school- cosmetology or massage therapy- and ran into the same problem. The state of California has no money, no jobs and no room for outsiders. This isn't even considering mass wildfires, intense debt and earthquakes.
Not only that, but a recent article published on rates California as having 6 or the top 10 most polluted cities in the country. So the state is broke, dirty and still a million times more desirable than Ohio. I post this blog as a jumping off point. Perhaps I will keep up with the status on moving to California with no money and few connections. Anyone with any tips?

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